Instructions for Authors
General Considerations
Article Classification
Manuscript Preparation
Finalizing Submission
Author Inquiries
Avicenna journal of Care
and Health in Operating Room (ajchor) is an
open access, international and multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that
considers subjects on Care before, during and after the operating room,
Paramedical sciences in the operating room, Nursing, Medical emergency, Midwifery,
Health, Radiology, Laboratory sciences, Health information technology, Anesthesia,
Medical information, Hematology. Please observe a detailed list on diverse
fields at Aim and Scope of
the journal.
The submission procedure
in conducted through the online submission system. In order to start the
submitting author, is required to create an
account and login. This author is responsible to provide full details including names and
email addresses on behalf of all co-authors. Please keep in mind that academic
or institutional email addresses are preferred when submitting. Result of
initial evaluations, request for minor/major revision, Editor's decision on
rejection or acceptance, etc., will all be visible at the author's personal
account in addition to informing the corresponding author via email provided
upon submission.
General Considerations
1- Open Access License, Copyright and Fees
- ajchor is an open access journal and the Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences supports all submission and publication costs of Avicenna journal of Care and Health in Operating Room. Thus, there is no submission fee, article processing charge or any other publication expenses in ajchor for authors.
2- Cover Letter
A cover letter must be uploaded for your article. The corresponding author must refer and confirm the following items including:
- Provide the type and title of your publication and an explanation on novelty of the research, and reasons on why this work will be interesting for ajchor authors.
- State that the submitted article is original, and is not under consideration for publication or already published elsewhere (Editorial Policies on duplicate publication); and that the accuracy and integrity of the research is approved by all authors (ICMJE) and responsible authorities where the research was carried out.
- Declare any potential conflict of interests or any explanation on issues relating to journal ethical or editorial policies.
- The submitting author must take responsibility for the submission of the manuscript on behalf of all authors as the corresponding author.
3- Authorship and Language
- Any changes in authorship of the article after submission must be approved by all authors. In this regard ajchor follows the COPE guidelines for any changes in order, addition, or deletion of authors of the manuscript.
- Authors are encouraged to prepare the language of their manuscripts with the utmost care.
- The language editors will check the language and grammar of your submitted manuscript. Beware that manuscripts in poor English will not be sent for review. We recommend having your manuscript professionally edited by a qualified English-speaking researcher in your field prior to submission.
Article Classification
ajchor publishes diverse categories of articles. All types of articles are subject to peer-review. The journal publishes the following types of articles including Original Article, Brief Reports/Short Communication, Review Articles, Editorial, and Letter to Editor.
1- Editorial
Editorials are the message of the ajchor and are written in-house by the journal's Editorial Board members. Editorials are preferably no more than 1000 words. These provide state of the art discussions on the ajchor main scopes. No abstract is required for these articles.
2- Original Article
These articles must be of primary original, methodologically accurate, and relevant to experimental or clinical studies in fields of clinical microbiology. They should contain no more than 4000 words excluding structured abstract, tables, and references. Tables, table legends and figure legends should be inserted subsequent to references. Figures and supplementary files should be uploaded separately during submission. Each manuscript should clearly state an objective or hypothesis; the design of study and methodology; data analysis and interpretations; the main results of the study, discussing the results; addressing study limitations and the conclusion. All original articles require a structured abstract.
3- Review Article
These articles consist of literature reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and meta-syntheses. These articles may be up to 7000 words excluding abstract, tables, and references. The specific type of study or analysis, intervention, population, exposure, outcomes or tests should be described for each data source or article. Authors are to clearly cover the following topics in the method section: search strategy and selection criteria, data extraction, quality assessment, and data analysis. An unstructured abstract is required.
4- Brief Report/Policy Brief
Brief report articles are not intended to publish preliminary results, but the results which are of exceptional interest and are particularly topical and relevant. Policy brief articles as a summary report offer a practical and evidence-based investigation of policy-related issues. These articles should be no more than 2000 words including up to three figures or tables, references and the main text. A structured abstract is required for these types of articles.
5- Letter to Editor
We welcome short letters with topics of interest to the ajchor readership. These letters should not exceed 1000 words including only one table or figure, references and the main text. No abstract is required for these articles.
* Please insert the type of your manuscript on top of the Title Page and Main Manuscript.
Manuscript Preparation
1- Manuscript Format:
- During submitting you
are required to upload files of Title Page, Main Document (without title
page details), Cover Letter, Figure, and Supplementary files, Exclusive
License Agreement form, Authorship and Conflict of Interest Statement.
- Acceptable manuscripts'
file format is Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX). Do not submit your main
document in PDF format. Manuscript text should be prepared in 12 point
Times New Roman font with double line spacing at an A4 size paper with
clear margins (2.5 cm) on both sides. Use page number for your manuscript.
- Based on the type of
your research, manuscripts should be prepared into sections (main
headings) of Title, Abstract, Background, Material sand Methods, Results,
Discussion, Conclusion, and References. Please check the Article
Classification for an abstract type your article requires. A structured
abstract consists of Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion,
and Keywords. The maximum word number for all types of abstracts is 300.
- Headings should not be
in all capital. Only the first letter of all headings must be capital.
Title, Main Headings and Headings should be in Bold whereas the subheading
should only be written in italic.
- Following Conclusion
your manuscript must include Additional Statements of Acknowledgements,
Authors’ Contribution, Conflict of Interests, Ethical Issues, and
2- Title Page:
The title page should
contain the following components:
- Manuscript Title;
Please keep it as precise and concise as possible and ensure it reflects
the subject matter,the title should be between 20 to 25 words.
- Running Title: the Running title should be between 4 to 8 words.
- Full name of all
authors with their affiliations (including Department, Faculty,
University, City, Country). You may use number superscripts to indicate
authors with their affiliations.
- The Corresponding
Author must include an email address and a telephone number. Use
asterisk (*) to clearly indicate the corresponding author.
3- Main Document:
- The main document must
not include the author’s names and affiliations.
- The first page of the
main document should consist of Article Title, Article Type,
and Abstract (if required or structured/unstructured).
- Abstract: It should state briefly and clearly the
purpose and setting of the research, the principal findings and major
conclusions, and the article's contribution to knowledge. The maximum word
number for all types of abstracts is 300. Please minimize the use of
abbreviations and do not cite references in the abstract. A structured
abstract consists of Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion,
and Keywords.
- Keywords: Up to 6 keywords are
entered separately into the online system during submission, which should
accurately reflect the content of the article. These keywords should be
selected from the Medical
Subject Headings (Mesh) list. Abbreviations/acronyms could be
used with their expansions. The keywords will be used for indexing
purposes. As you add keywords within the online submission system, please
insert these within the Main Document as well.
- Following abstract, the
main text should be arranged in Background, Materials and Methods,
Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Authors’ Contribution,
Conflict of Interests, Ethical Issues, Funding/Support, and References.
- Background: The Background
summarizes a concise review of the subject area and the rationale for the
study. It should neither review the subject extensively nor should it
contain detailed comparisons to previous research, data or conclusions.
- Materials and
Methods: This should include a clear description of the
experimental design and sampling procedures and sufficient details of the
methods, instruments, analytic processes, software version selected, and
statistical analyses performed. If an apparatus is used, its
manufacturer’s name and address should be given in parenthesis. If the
method is established, provide references but if the method is novel,
present detailed information to allow the work to be reproduced. In cases
where a study involves the use of live animals or human subjects, the
author should include a statement that all experiments were performed in
compliance with the relevant laws and institutional guidelines, and also
state the institutional committee(s) that has approved the experiments.
They should also include a statement that informed consent was obtained
for any experimentation with human subjects. All abbreviations must be
spelled out the first time used, followed by the abbreviated form in
parentheses. Units of measurement must be complied with the International System of Units (SI).
- Results: It must be written in
the text format. Tables and figures must be referenced sequentially in the
same order as in the text. Repetition of table contents should be avoided.
Total number of tables and figures should not exceed 5 in number. Tables,
table caption and figure legends should be inserted subsequent to
References and not within the text. Figures and Supplementary files should
be uploaded separately during submission. Table captions should be
typed above the tables while table footnote should be placed below. Figure
legends should be indicated below the figures. The following provides a
detailed description for Formulas/Equations, Tables and Figures:
- Formulas/Equations
- Equations should be
typed only in Math Type
- (Download the software from ).
- Graphical objects
should not be used.
- Your equations should
be editable.
- If you have used
built-in equation editing tool in Microsoft Word, the equations will
become unusable during the typesetting process. To resolve this problem,
please re-key your equations using Math Type.
- Long equations should
be set off from the text and numbered sequentially.
- If you cannot avoid
using many equations or schemes, you can collect them in a table of
equations and shot them as a framed figure to avoid typesetting errors.
- Tables
- All tables should be
inserted at the end of the manuscript and authors must not upload them as
separate files.
- Tables should be cited
in numerical order within the main text.
- Tables must be prepared
left to right and cell-based.
- Should be editable and
upright on the page, not on sideways.
- Should be prepared with
real rows and columns and not aligned with tabs, returns, or spaces.
- Should be plain with NO
colors, shading, or graphics.
- Should not contain
inserted text boxes, tables within tables or cells within cells.
- Symbols and abbreviations should be defined immediately below
the table, followed by essential brief description.
- Figures
- All
figures/images must be placed numerically in one file and uploaded
separately from the main text into the online submission system. Please
do not include figures in the article text.
- All
figures/images must be cited within the main manuscript in numerical order
(Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.).
- Figure
numbers and legends must be inserted below each figure.
- Multi-panel
figures should be labeled in A, B, C, D, etc.
- Histograms
must be arranged in a simple, two-dimensional format, with no background
- All
specific patient or hospital details must be removed or blacked out
(including X-rays, MRI scans, etc.).
- If
photographs of patients are used, they should not be identifiable.
- Original
data from which the images were prepared should be available, as the
editors may request to see these data (e.g., Office, SPSS and other line
art images).
- Lettering
in figures (for example, labeling of axes) should be in lower-case type,
with the first letter capitalized and no full stop. All text should be in
a sans-serif typeface, preferably Arial with appropriate font size to be
easily read.
- Avoid
using the touch-up tools, such as cloning and healing tools in Photoshop,
or any feature that deliberately obscures manipulations.
- In
order to publish all figures as open access, authors must have permission
from the rights holder if they wish to include images that have been
published elsewhere in non-open-access journals. Graphics downloaded from
Web pages should not be used unless the author has a right to re-publish
those as open access. The original source and the permission should be
indicated in the figure legend, and a citation should be included in the
reference list.
- Figures
and images must be of high resolutions of at least 300 dpi for color
figures, 600 dpi for grayscales and 1200 dpi for line arts. Acceptable
files containing figures/images include: Adobe Portable Document Format
(PDF) for photography or microscopy, Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) for
illustrations or diagrams, Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), EPS, or PS.
Files prepared with Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw or Adobe Photoshop
should be uploaded in these native file formats. Please consider the notes
- PDF and EPS formats are preferred over TIFF when
exporting graphs, diagrams or line art from any software applied;
specifically, PDF as it's more compact than EPS files.
- Vector drawing data is absent from JPEG, PNG, TIFF, or
BMP file formats. Therefore, resaving any of these files as a PDF or EPS
will not produce a vector drawing in these files. Please provide the
original EPS or PDF file versions of artwork.
- JPEG or TIFF format should be used for photographs,
histological slides, radiographs, etc.
- Utilize image editing software such as Adobe Photoshop
to insert labels, arrows and other marks on photographs, histological
slides, radiographs, etc. in order to produce a high quality JPEG or TIFF
file. Please prevent using Microsoft Word or Power Point for inserting
any marks on images.
- Acceptable digital formats include: Corel Draw, Adobe
Illustrator, Unlocked PDFs created from a vector program, Microsoft
PowerPoint, Excel, and Word as long as graphs are not placed into these
programs as rasterized (pixel-based) images. Not acceptable file formats
are Canvas, Delta Graph, Tax, Sigma Plot. Convert these files to PDFs,
EPS, or postscript formats before submission.
- Discussion: This section should
emphasize on the significant results of the present study results, in
addition to its' limitations/similarities in comparison with other
relevant studies. But detailed data should not be repeated in the
discussion again and should consist of novel implications of the study. It
must be mentioned that the initially considered hypothesis is accepted or
declined here. Implications for future developments are also proposed
in this section.
- Conclusion: It should
state clear and precise interpretation from the results and demonstrating
the importance of ideas and introducing possible new or expanded ways of
thinking about the research problem.
- Acknowledgements: All contributors who do
not meet the criteria for authorship should be covered in the
acknowledgement section. It should include persons who provided technical
help, writing assistance and departmental head that only provided general
support. The authors should obtain permission to acknowledge from all
those mentioned in the Acknowledgments section.
- Authors’
Contribution: The contributions of all authors must be clearly
described. The corresponding author is responsible for completing
this information at submission, and it is expected that all authors will
have reviewed, discussed, and agreed to their individual contributions
ahead of this time. Each author’s individual contribution(s) to the study
must be stated based on COPE authorship guidelines which includes:
conceptualization, data handling, experiments design, data analysis,
provision of study materials and equipment, study validation, supervision,
data presentation, draft preparation, study consultation, writing and
reviewing, project administration.
- Conflict of
Interest: Authors
must make sure that they have declared any actual or potential conflicts
of interest in their manuscript when submitting their work. The
corresponding author is responsible for confirming with the co-authors
whether they have any financial and non-financial conflicts with regards
to the publication of their work (ICMJE). If there is no conflict of
interest, it should be stated that “The author(s) declare(s) that they
have no conflict of interests”.
Issues: All
authors, reviewers, and editors should consider COPE, ICMJE and Equator Network reporting
guidelines in medical ethics and scientific writings. Researches involving
human subjects or animals are required to provide a separate statement on Ethical
Approval during submission. In addition, the name of the ethics committee
that confirmed the research and the committee’s reference number should be
stated in this section of the article. Please observe the Editorial Policies for
more details. If your there is no ethical issue to be considered, please state
“None to be declared” or “Not applicable”.
- Funding/Support: All funding sources
(internal or external/ grant ID, name of grant-receiving researcher, grant
provider) from any institution/university supporting the research must be
declared in this section.
- Supplementary Files: Additional files such as
datasets, large tables, figures, or other information can be submitted as
Supplementary files. These files must be cited within the main manuscript
in numerical order (Supplementary file 1, etc.). Each Supplementary file
must be submitted separately. Please provide a short title/caption for
each file during submission. Note that documents including patient consent
forms, etc., must not be uploaded as Supplementary files; if such files
are required by the editor, we request from the author to be send via
- References: All manuscripts should be accompanied by relevant references and the Uniform Vancouver style is required.
- References must each be
numbered, ordered sequentially as they appear in the text, tables, boxes
and figures. Arrange references as a simple list at the end of your
manuscript in Endnote software.
- Please ensure that
every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list
(and vice versa).
- Authors are responsible
for the accuracy of cited references and these should be checked before
the manuscript is submitted.
- Only one publication
can be listed for each number.
- Within text insert
reference numbers inside parenthesis. Separate two or more reference in
parenthesis with commas.
- Please note that if
references are not in Vancouver style or are not cited in order the
manuscript may be returned for amendment before it is passed on to the
Editor for assessment.
- The author should
ensure reference to locally published studies by doing proper literature
search. It may not be possible for the editor and reviewers to check the
accuracy of all reference citations. Specifically make sure that to
duplicate reference is present within your list. To minimize such errors
author should verify references against the original documents.
- The titles of journals
and books should be abbreviated according to the list of journals indexed
in “Journal Database” available from: and
- All authors should be
listed when six or less; when seven or more, only the first six should be
listed and followed by et al.
- Please download via Vancouver Style. You may also observe the link for more information on this
reference style. An example is provided below:
Journal Article: Zhao H, Wu L, Yan G, Chen Y, Zhou M, Wu Y, et al. Inflammation and tumor
progression: signaling pathways and targeted intervention. Signal Trans duct
Target Thar. 2021;6(1):263.
- Authors are required to
suggest a potential peer reviewer for their manuscript. At the on-line
submission provide full name and institutional email address (observe Editorial Policies for suggesting peer reviewers). Be
advised that false information will result in rejection of article and
further investigation based on the Misconduct
Policy. Note that the Editor-in-Chief
retains the sole right to decide whether or not the suggested reviewer is
- The galley proof (as
PDF file) will be sent to the corresponding author via email. Authors must
read the proof thoroughly, answer any comments in the PDF file and send
approval of for all corrections in due time. We will do everything
possible to get your article published quickly and accurately. Therefore,
it is important to ensure that all of your corrections are sent back to us
in one communication. Not meeting the deadline and a long delay to respond
could lead to withdraw of paper at this stage.
Finalizing Submission
Make sure that you
have uploaded the required files in the File Upload section of the online
submission. These files include:
- Title Page
- Main Document (without
title page)
- Cover Letter
- Figure
- Supplementary
- Ethical Approval
- Exclusive License
- Authorship and Conflict
of Interest Statement
Before completing the
process, the submitting author is required to review the submission proof
(PDF), which will be automatically generated. The submitting author may go back
and correct any sections as necessary, review the submission proof again, and then
submit your manuscript using the “Submit” button.
Author Inquiries
For further
assistance or any inquiries relating to the submission please contact the
editorial office at:
Or you may submit a
message at this link.